stuff to download

desktop wallpapers

Click on your desired resolution.
The image will open in a new window.
Be patient because these are big BMP files.

640 x 480 (901 KB)
800 x 600 (1,407 KB)
1024 x 768 (2,305 KB)
1280 x 960 (3,601 KB)

640 x 480 (901 KB)
800 x 600 (1,407 KB)
1024 x 768 (2,305 KB)
1280 x 960 (3,601 KB)

640 x 480 (901 KB)
800 x 600 (1,407 KB)
1024 x 768 (2,305 KB)
1280 x 960 (3,601 KB)

640 x 480 (901 KB)
800 x 600 (1,407 KB)
1024 x 768 (2,305 KB)
1280 x 960 (3,601 KB)

640 x 480 (901 KB)
800 x 600 (1,407 KB)
1024 x 768 (2,305 KB)
1280 x 960 (3,601 KB)

640 x 480 (901 KB)
800 x 600 (1,407 KB)
1024 x 768 (2,305 KB)
1280 x 960 (3,601 KB)


These are good for message boards and instant messengers.
Click on your desired size.
The image will also open in a new window.
Please save these images to your hard drive; do not just link to them.
If you need somebody to host them online, I heartily recommend Photobucket.

100 x 100 (5.8 KB)

80 x 80 (4.08 KB)
48 x 48 (1.85 KB)
ming li
100 x 100 (5.84 KB)

80 x 80 (3.97 KB)
48 x 48 (1.77 KB)
100 x 100 (4.74 KB)

80 x 80 (3.45 KB)
48 x 48 (1.69 KB)
100 x 100 (5.65 KB)

80 x 80 (3.9 KB)
48 x 48 (1.77 KB)
lady porcelain
100 x 100 (5.31 KB)

80 x 80 (4.09 KB)
48 x 48 (1.83 KB)
vaca [2]
100 x 100 (5.28 KB)

80 x 80 (3.7 KB)
48 x 48 (1.7 KB)

More stuff may be coming soon!

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